Selected Projects and Grants
Glacier National Park, August 2008
Full Circle Schools
Jackson County, Oregon
Provided operating and capital grants to launch the Full Circle Schools program in Jackson County. The program creates on-campus or central nurseries dedicated to engaging primary and secondary school students in a volunteer program to grow (from seedlings) and then field plant native trees and bushes in rehabilitative and reforestation plantings in ecologically stressed areas of Jackson County, Oregon.
Summit County Land Conservancy
Summit County, Utah
Provided an outreach grant for the Summit Land Conservancy in Summit County, Utah to allow recognition of sponsors and supporters during high-traffic periods.
Global Warming Reports
Provided development funding for a six-part report on Global Warming, which is targeted to reach affluent but busy individuals who have the financial means to leverage any growing knowledge about global warming through outreach, direct contribution
or engagement, and through the funding of personal offsets.
Pure Waste Primers
Provided developmental and project funding for a series of three primers on simple changes individualscan make to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions and to save them money at the same time. Each primer provides background information on each topic as well as our personal experience implementing these changes in our lives.
NY Times Talks
Symphony Space, NYC
Provided project funding to Symphony Space in New York City to host a series of three public interest presentations in conjunction with the NY Times. The series includes: Longevity: Living Longer, The Greening of New York City, Global Warming: Local Solutions.
J.s. Bach "Gloria" from the b-minor Mass, BWV #232
Distinguished Lecture Series
Oregon Bach Festival
Provided endowment funding for an annual distinguished lecture series to be offered both to the public and to students participating in the master class at the Oregon Bach Festival, which is offered at the University of Oregon, Eugene.
American Musicological Society
Provided an unrestricted contribution to the Society’s newly established OPUS endowment fund to allow the Society to support scholarship, education and research travels to both beginning and
established scholars.
Save the Met Broadcasts
Metropolitan Opera, NYC
Provided a five-year continuing grant to the Metropolitan Opera’s Save the Met Broadcasts campaign to allow the Met to offer the popular series free throughout all six continents.
BACH-BinAural Collaborative Hypertext
Northern Arizona University
Provided developmental funding for a sabbatical leave for Music Theory Professor Timothy A. Smith to develop a multi-author hypermedia web site to allow collaborative explication of musical works by presenting within a single web page window focused scores linked with audio files and graphic enhancement. The model for this project is Professor Smith’s own, widely viewed, site for Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier:
Wall-to-Wall Opera
Symphony Space, NYC
Provided project funding to support Symphony Space’s free, day-long presentation of operatic music and selections presented as a gift to New York City by Symphony Space and the
participating artists.